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Employee Handbook 2018

Now with both federal and state employment regulations and policies for all 50 states.

Create a comprehensive employee handbook that complies with all current state and federal employment regulations all with minimal time and effort on your part.

More than 20,000 companies are using our Multistate Handbook Builder to respond to their customers “A primary benefit of ThinkHR is that they know the regulations, they know the laws and they can easily translate that information into actionable, practical information for users.”

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One Handbook for All Your Employees

Our advanced Handbook Builder lets you meet compliance and legal requirements.

Automatic Updates Save Time & Money

Laws change, but your handbook will always be up to date with our automatic update notifications.

Customizable for Control and Flexibility

Edit content to reflect your organizations policies and terminology.

Lawyer Approved Content Ensures Compliance

Federal and state policies are created and regularly updated.


Provides policies and language that lets employers quickly and easily create comprehensive handbooks for multistate workforces.
Reduces the risk of mistakes and eliminates the time it once took to create individual handbooks for each state.
Guides you through building a custom handbook with every policy needed for each state in which you operate. Select states and policies to include with our intuitive interface, simple drop-down menus and checkbox options.

Lawyer Approved Content Ensures Compliance

  • Federal and state policies are created and regularly updated
  • Notifications alert you to compliance and best-practices related content updates.
  • Employers adding customized or industry-specific policies can submit their handbook(s) for review
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The Ebook Company


This ebook will guide you through all the necessary steps for successfully publishing your ebook. From writing tips to how to better understand your audience.

Short & easy read
About 30 pages
Real case studies
Resources list
Demo scenarios
Ideas collection
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How To Make More Sales


Read through our latest collection of sales strategies for small and medium sized businesses. The ebook is perfect for young business owners and managers.

Easy to read format
Accessible language
Terms are explained
35 pages of information
Real life scenarios
Industry expert authors
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Invest In Marketing


We've compiled an awesome collection of online and traditional marketing tips & tricks. Success is guaranteed if you can implement our recommendations.

101 tips and tricks
25 pages of information
Experienced authors
5 real case studies
Resources lists
Business success stories
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Quality HR Services with ZIS in Partnership with leading HR Provider in the Nation

Build Your Own Employee Handbook for only $95

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